19 July 2007
本來以為今天也是沒有什麼特別事就完結的一天. 可是晚上被朋友拉了出去Apujeong 去吃 삥수 (“bing su”) ~~~ Apujeong 是韓國比較富有的area, 所以看到的人的衣著都有點不一樣啦… 首先到了一個pub喝 pineapple 燒酒. 不過那個waiter 很慘呢… 連續下錯了3次單…….. 應該是first day 吧?
在喝得差不多的時候, 身邊的男性朋友竟然… 竟然… 問我要不要一起去洗手間..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
可是.. 可是…
我是女生啊 !!!!!……..
雖然是比較好的朋友, 有點像兄弟的說… 可是…好歹也照顧一下我的感受啊…
可是那樣的我, 很奇怪的啊..
唉…. 然後呢, 因為還沒吃到想吃的Green Tea Bing Su, 所以離開了pub以後到走到另外的一個café 吃 Green Tea Bing Su~~~ 真的很好吃 ~~*U*
其間又談到很多話題, 其中, 討論到韓國男生女生交往的傳統什麼的. 韓國朋友說, 韓國女生很大部份都會說謊.. 不過她說的很好笑……
“ Yea, so the girls are used to lying. Like before the relationship, she will tell her bf like I had a really bad ex, but I dun like him blah blah blah.. and like, never have sex. So when they first have sex and the guy discover she is not a virgin, she will like cry and act, then say she only did it once. After some more time, the guy would say like “o, so you’re pretty good at sex, I thought you said you only did once?” then the girl will say she actually did a few times” ……
聽完了真的有點汗….嘩塞…. 這樣子不累嗎?…….. 不過她說的很搞笑……